
    千年古寺山水环绕依山而建,北倚雄伟的红螺山,南照秀美的红螺湖,寺庙周边林壑荫蔽,古树参天,藏风聚气,为一方风水宝地。“红螺三绝景”——御竹林、雌 雄银杏、紫藤寄松远近闻名,百万杆翠竹与千亩古松林环拥着整个寺院,形成了一幅“碧波藏古刹”的优美画卷。山川灵气,造就了这里“独占地里风水之妙,独具 自然环境之美”的佛家苑林景观。红螺寺景区现已形成了红螺寺、观音寺、五百罗汉园三个佛教文化区和红螺山、青龙山两个自然观景区“一日游”的观光格局,构 成了“春看花、夏避暑、秋观叶、冬赏岁寒三友”的观光特色。游人在这里既可以走进古刹,瞻仰庄严佛仪,焚香顶礼,参悟自身心性,祛除诸多烦恼获得平静的愉 悦,也可以漫步林间小憩松下或登高望远临风高歌,尽情领略感悟休闲的乐趣。
    Hongluo Temple scenic spot covers an area of 8 square kilometers integrating the natural landscape with manmade features. It consists of two part: two scenic spots and three Buddhist areas.
    Two scenic spots refer to Hongluo Hill at the back of Hongluo Temple and Qinglong Hill to the east. Hongluo Hill, the natural barrier of the temple, has two peaks with an altitude of 813 meters. In spring you can enjoy bright-colored pediments and in autumn you can enjoy the red leaves all over the hill. In Qinglong Hill scenic spot there are maily ancient pines which boast an area of more than 1700 mu. Among which there are more than 10,000 ancient trees over 100 years old. It is one of the most important ancient trees group in Beijing. There are stone carvings of twelve annual animal signs and over 100 sets of stone tables and stone stools for tourists to have a rest in the ancient pinewoods. There the air is clear and fresh and the environment is quiet and tasteful. The air has a very high anion content. The gas emitted from the pines is good for people’s health. A saying goes around among the local people: If you stroll in the Arhat Valley once, all your disease will be removed. It is a good destination for tourists to keep healthy and relax themselves.
    Three Buddhist areas refers to Hongluo Temple , Boddhisattva Guanyin Temple and 500- Arhat Statues Garden. Hongluo Temple has a history of more than 1600 years. The temple was built at the foot of the mountain, facing to the south. Most buildings were built during the Ming and Qing Dynasties. There is a main hall built in 3 tiers (The Hall of Heavenly Guardians, Grand Bodhisattva Hall, There Sages Hall) and four side halls in the east and west.(Faith Hall, Thousand-armed Goddess of Mercy Hall, Yaoshi Hall, Damo Hall) Buddhisattva Guanyin Hall is located on the halfway up the mountain. It takes half an hour to get there along the path for the climbers. There are the Gate Hall, Boddhisattva Guanyin Hall, Five-hundred-arhat garden, covering an area of 20 mu, is located in the ancient pinewoods of Archat Valley east of the temple. The stone statue of Maitreya is the center of the five-hundred-arhat garden. The archats are carved out of life-size bluestones. Each archat has different lifelike expressions.
    Hongluo Temple has relatively good tourist facilities. The Bamboo Fragrant Restaurant and the restautrant in Hongluo Hill Resort can accommodate a banquet over 500 guests. Hongluo Hill Resort located in the pinewoods, with the architecture of siheyuan(compond with houses around courtyard) and Japanese style log cabin. There are over 200 beds of different grade, a gymnasium , a Karaoke lounge and conference rooms. In the morning, you can stroll in the pinewoods breathing in fresh air and fully enjoying the relaxation, comfort and romance far from the city.

本条目最后由 Nous 更新于2008-05-18 00:38:57 查看历史版本

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